
Month: November 2024

What is a Data Class in Python?

In Python, a data class is a class specifically designed to store data and provide an easy and concise way to define classes that primarily store values (attributes) without the need for writing repetitive boilerplate code. It simplifies the creation Read more…

How @property Works in Python:

In Python, @property is used to define a method that acts like an attribute. It allows you to define custom getters, setters, and deleters for an attribute in a Python class. Python Example: Here’s a basic Python example where @property Read more…

In Django, the choice of how to create views

In Django, the choice of how to create views depends on the complexity of your application, the functionality you need, and your preferred level of abstraction. Below is a detailed comparison of the primary approaches—@api_view decorator, Generic Views, and ViewSets—with Read more…

When to Use copy() or deepcopy():

If you want to create an independent copy of mutable objects (like lists, dictionaries), use the following: Summary: examples: Output:

Understanding when to use is, ==, is not, and not

1. is vs == is Example: a = [1, 2, 3]b = ac = [1, 2, 3]print(a is b) # True, because `b` refers to the same object as `a`.print(a is c) # False, because `c` is a different object, Read more…

Function Definition with Specific Parameters

When you define a function like this: This function explicitly expects two positional arguments, name and age. There are two ways you can call this function: Here: Passing Keyword Arguments: Here, you explicitly specify which value corresponds to which parameter. Read more…

Difference between **kwargs and **

1. **kwargs in Function Definitions (in Pure Python) In Python, **kwargs is used in function definitions to accept any number of keyword arguments. The kwargs is a dictionary that stores the passed keyword arguments. Example: Output: name: Johneage: 12 Here, Read more…

In Django ORM, parameters can be passed dynamically

1. Basic Query with Parameters You can use keyword arguments to filter or modify the query. Example: Equivalent Query: 2. Passing Multiple Parameters You can pass multiple parameters dynamically by extending the dictionary. Example: Equivalent Query: 3. Dynamic Ordering You Read more…

To access the raw data in Django

If a Django query like Product.objects.all().order_by(“title”) is returning objects instead of raw data, this is expected behavior because Django’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) retrieves objects that represent rows in the database. To access the raw data (specific fields or values), you Read more…

The order of SQL execution

The order of SQL execution follows a specific logical sequence, regardless of how the SQL query is written. Here’s the general execution order of SQL clauses: Visualizing the SQL Execution Order: sqlCopy codeSELECT column_list FROM table JOIN another_table ON condition Read more…