
Month: August 2024

Using functools.partial() with map():

The issue is given belwo File “d:\2024-academic\Async\”, line 39, inprint ( map(population_percentage, abc, 58000))^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^TypeError: ‘int’ object is not iterable The issue here that facing is because of passing an int (58000) directly as an argument to the map() function, which Read more…

ProcessPoolExecutor and ThreadPoolExecutor

ProcessPoolExecutor and ThreadPoolExecutor (which is used for multithreading) are both part of Python’s concurrent.futures module. They serve different purposes and are suitable for different types of tasks: Key Differences Feature ProcessPoolExecutor ThreadPoolExecutor Concurrency Model Multiprocessing: uses multiple processes Multithreading: uses Read more…

ThreadPoolExecutor vs Multithreading

hreadPoolExecutor and traditional threading are both tools used to achieve concurrent execution in Python, but they serve slightly different purposes and come with distinct advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a comparison to help you understand when and why to use one Read more…

Django “from rest_framework import generics”

The statement from rest_framework import generics is used to import the generics module from the Django Django Rest Framework (DRF), which provides a set of generic views for building API views. These views help simplify common patterns such as handling Read more…

Tuples in Python

Tuples in Python are used when you want to create a collection of items that are ordered and immutable (cannot be changed after creation). They have specific advantages and use cases compared to other data structures like lists or dictionaries, Read more…

Python virtual environment

Here are steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue: 1. Check if the Virtual Environment is Installed Make sure that the virtual environment (env) exists in the Django-backend directory and is properly installed. You can verify that Read more…